
At BLIS, we believe that uniform is a very important part of school life. Not only does it give our students a sense of belonging to the school community, it also gives students a focus for the school day ahead and an overall a sense of pride and equality. We want students to understand that whilst they are wearing their uniforms, they are also representing their school. The aim is for students to present a neat appearance without being obtrusive, competitive or fashionable in what they wear. Students are required to wear two types of uniform, the regular, daily school uniform and the P.E. kit which should only be worn on P.E. class days. We highly recommend that all clothing, equipment and bags are clearly labelled with the student’s full name and grade. Students must ensure that they comply with uniform expectations on a daily basis – this is one of our non-negotiables.

All Students should bring a water bottle to their PE lessons to protect themselves from dehydration and excessive exposure from the sun.

Mobile phones are not allowed in school.

BLIS is committed to upholding the highest standards of care for all our students. We operate a safe and secure site that puts the needs of our learners at the heart of everything we do. Starting with a rigorous staff recruitment policy that insists on Man clean references and is followed up with personal contact with previous employers, all staff at BLIS have been thoroughly checked to ensure their suitability to work with children and young people.


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